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The Hong Kong Test of Preschool Oral Language (Cantonese) (TOPOL)

The Hong Kong Test of Preschool Oral Language (Cantonese) (TOPOL)

The Hong Kong Test of Preschool Oral Language (Cantonese) (TOPOL)

The TOPOL research team

The TOPOL research team

The Hong Kong Test of Preschool Oral Language (Cantonese) (TOPOL) was published and launched in 2019 by the Child Assessment Service (CAS), Department of Health. The TOPOL is a comprehensive, standardised, norm-referenced, spoken language assessment tool developed for assessment of Hong Kong’s Cantonese-Chinese speaking preschool children between the ages of 2 years 6 months and 5 years 11 months. The TOPOL is developed by Department of Health Child Assessment Service in collaboration with The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Education University of Hong Kong. It contains four subtests, namely Receptive Grammar, Expressive Grammar, Story Comprehension and Expressive Vocabulary. The TOPOL was normed on 706 children.

The TOPOL is designed for use by qualified speech therapists. The administration time is around 45 to 60 minutes.

The TOPOL is available for purchase by eligible users at HK$5440 per set.

Interested speech therapists should submit the duly completed user eligibility application form, together with relevant supporting documents including credentials and certificates, to Executive Officer (Child Assessment Service) at:

Central Kowloon Child Assessment Centre,
2/F, 147L Argyle Street, Kowloon City, Kowloon

Application Form for User Eligibility for TOPOL (Local)
Application Form for User Eligibility for TOPOL (Non-local)

The applicant will receive notice of eligibility application results by email. Information on purchase details will also be provided to eligible users at the same time. For further enquiries, please contact us at 2246 6659.