Discipline Theatre

Encourage good behaviour of children will increase these behaviours and reduce bad behaviours. Children learn a lot through observation. As parents, we need to be role models for them. Explain and assist children to try to do the good behaviours, praise them when they succeed. It can enhance their good behaviours and help them to establish good habits.
All of us like being praised. Adequate praise will encourage desirable behaviour in our children. Praise can strongly motivate our children to enhance parent child relationship and help them to establish a positive attitude in their lives.
Arrange interesting activities can keep the children engaged and foster their independent play skills. Play and exploration can enhance their development and innovation. When children are engaged, less behavioral issue will occur.
Arrange interesting activities can keep the children engaged and foster their independent play skills. Play and exploration can enhance their development and innovation. When children are engaged, less behavioral issue will occur.
Sometimes children need additional motivator to improve their behaviours, finish their job or learn a new skill. A behavioral chart can be designed to reinforce a new behaviour, and children can get some rewards if they do so. This can help them to gain a sense of success and recognition. The rewards could be something or some activities that the children like and the rewards should be changed from time to time. After the good habit is established, the behavioral chart can be faded out.
When children have some minor undesirable behaviours, the parents can deliberately ignore them. Initially, children may continue the bad behaviour or raise their voice to attract parents’ attention. Parents should control their emotion, avoid argument or being provoked by them. Be persistent and keep ignoring. However, if children's bad behaviour (such as screaming) is intolerable or occurs in an inappropriate place, the above method cannot be used.
Children need certain rules to guide them how to behave in different situations. Parents can set 2-3 rules for children to follow in certain activities (such as doing homework). Parents can also set a few "family rules" so that all family members should follow. This can help the children to establish good habits, such as "staying in seat while eating "
Children need certain rules to guide them how to behave in different situations. Parents can set 2-3 rules for children to follow in certain activities (such as doing homework). Parents can also set a few "family rules" so that all family members should follow. This can help the children to establish good habits, such as "staying in seat while eating "
When children do not follow rules or instructions, we need to choose a proper way to discipline them. For example, if children keep fighting for a toy despite dissuasion, it is necessary to take away the toy or stop the activity, usually 5-30 minutes would be enough.
Children need to learn to accept rules. They must learn to manage and control their emotions when they feel frustrated. When children do not follow instructions, remove them from the activity or environment, allow them to sit quietly at the side for a period of time, about 1-5 minutes would be enough.
Learning "Emotion traffic lights" can help us to control and handle our emotion properly. During outburst, the first step is to think about a "red light", stop our impulsive behavior, take deep breaths or drink water to calm ourselves. Then think about a "yellow light", try to think about different methods in solving the problem and evaluate their effectiveness. Finally is the "green light", choose a method that is most appropriate to implement.